Crystal Marble Polishing

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Crystal Marble Polishing

Address: 444 E Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89104
Phone: (702) 636-6755

Area Served: Las Vegas
Cross Streets: E Sahara Ave & Santa Rosa Dr
Map Directions: Directions

Why Choose This Cleaning Service?

For over 20 years, Crystal Marble Polishing has been a family-owned business, expertly serving the Las Vegas community with our flooring specialization. Our team, trained by industry-leading professionals, is dedicated to achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction. We utilize only top-quality equipment and materials, ensuring your expensive marble floors lose none of their luster. Instead of settling for a dull appearance, let us at Crystal Marble Polishing Inc. revitalize your floors with a marble-ous makeover tailored to your preference. We take pride in offering competitive pricing without compromising on our exceptional workmanship. Whether you desire a high, medium, or low shine, we provide on-site samples to help you visualize and choose the perfect finish for your floors. Contact us for a free in-home estimate and discover the difference our dedication and expertise can make – you’ll be delighted with the results!
